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Weekend car rental

Weekend car rental

Spend your weekend with Sixt cars

  • Sixt car rental quarantees the best deals during weekends 
  • Sixt offers car rentals for the best price in Prague
  • Sixt will transport you a car anywhere in Prague area 
  • unlimited kilometers
  • short weekends - 3 days 
  • prolonged weekends - 4 days 

Why weekend car rental from Sixt?

Sixt offers each customer car rental at its best price exactly according to individual needs and wishes. Whether you plan a family weekend or romantic trip to mountains or you go to your best friend´s wedding - Sixt is here for every moment !  With Sixt, weekend rentals are at its best price on the market in Prague. You can rent a car in Prague for the whole weekend and go anywhere with unlimited kilometers at the same price as 2 days a weeek. Do you want a caravanconvertible or luxury limousine? You can also try popular electric cars or CAN-AM motorbikes.

Short weekends - pick up possible from Friday 12.00 a.m. and returns on Monday 9.00 a.m. at the latest.

Prolonged weekends - earliest possible pick up on Thursday from 12.00 a.m. and returns on Tuesday at 9.00 a.m. at the latest. (max. 4 days)
