Road tolls and vignettes
All vehicles traveling on the highways or motorways in Czech Republic must be equipped with a valid and visibly attached highway toll sticker. All Sixt vehicles registered and rented in Czech Republic are automatically equipped with toll sticker (vignette). This does not apply to vehicles registered abroad that are rented from Czech Republic to the country in which the vehicle is registered. For such rentals is the responsibility of the client before entering the toll road to buy a toll sticker (vignette). Foreign vehicle entering the territory of the Czech Republic must be equipped with the toll sticker (vignette) and it is drivers responsibility to do so. Toll stickers can be purchased at border crossings, petrol stations and post offices. The current prices (effective in 2010) are as follows - weekly sticker CZK 390, monthly 440,-CZK and annual CZK 1 500. Prices are inclusive of VAT. If the vehicle is operated on a toll road without a valid toll sticker the operator faces a fine in amount of 5 000,- CZK